Availability and Fees
Lindsay Beane is based in Maryland and is available in-person to organizations based in the Baltimore-Washington D.C. corridor and nearby cities (e.g., Philadelphia and NYC). She is also available for consulting assignments in other parts of the country, but will require travel and accommodations if in-person meetings are preferred over virtual.
Fees are typically based on a daily or half-day rate. Fees vary, depending on the complexity and time commitment of each assignment and also depending on the size and budget of the organization. Past clients range from larger national coalitions, hospitals, and universities to smaller direct service providers. Whenever possible, Dr. Beane accommodates the limited funding of grassroots organizations that are doing vital work with at risk populations.
For more information or to request a specific cost estimate, please contact:
Lindsay Beane, DrPH
email: me@lindsaybeane.com
website: www.LindsayBeane.com